Career Profile

Currently working as a Full Stack PHP Developer and looking forward to a career in Natural Language Processing. I have a recent BSc in Computer Science and started a Master’s degree in Natural Language Processing.

For privacy reasons I will not share my email or phone number on this Github page. You can connect with me via Linkedin.


Full Stack Developer

2021 - Present
Qube Net, Bucharest

Tech Stack: PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Linux, Bash, Nginx, Apache, REST API, Vagrant, PostgreSQL, MySQL, VMWare ESXI

  • Developed and maintained e-commerce site and internal applications
  • 3rd party solution integration (NAFA, Odero POS)
  • Server configuration and administration

Full Stack Developer

2019 - 2021
CyberGhost VPN, Bucharest

Tech Stack: PHP, CakePHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Linux, Bash, Nginx, REST API, Docker

  • Website developer and 3rd party REST APIs integrator
  • Implemented Docker containers for development environment

PHP Developer

2016 - 2019
Corsair Online, Bucharest

Tech Stack: PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Vue.js, Linux, Bash, REST API, MySQL, MongoDB (NoSQL)

  • Developed and maintained internal tools
  • Developed and maintained 3rd party vendors webapp and REST API

E-Commerce Reporting Developer

2016 - 2016
Gameloft, Bucharest

Tech Stack: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, REST API, MySQL

  • Implementation of ETL systems, data mining and data aggregation

IT Consultant

2015 - 2016
Centrul de Soft, Bucharest

Tech Stack: Microsoft SQL Server, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Excel, PostgreSQL

  • Consultant and reporting developer for CDMS, CFMS and CTMS and mockup developer

Assistant professor (affiliated)

2012 - 2015
University of Economic Studies, Bucharest

Tech Stack: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Project

  • Seminars of: Databases, Advanced Databases, Computer Applications and Office Technology, Software Tools for Project Management


Python Professional


JavaScript Understanding the Weird Parts


PHP Programmer II


PHP Programmer I


Fundamentals of Java Programming


Certificate in Advanced English

University of Cambridge (100/2033/0)


Here are a few projects on which I've worked along the time

Anomaly Detection in DNS Traffic (Bachelor's Thesis) - Detecting DNS data exfiltration using bigrams for autoencoder+svm, logistic regression and Shannon entropy for prophet+svm. Tech stack: python, sklearn, pytorch, autoencoder, logistic regression, prophet, svm, scapy, pandas
Heuristic analysis of the linguistical differences between the Romanian written language in Romania and the Republic of Moldavia - co-author - Explored dependency trees, made several binary classifier for words and parts of speech and generated text using n-grams for each corpus. Tech Stack: sklearn, numpy, spacy, NLP-Cube, sqlite, BeautifulSoup, python
TriageAI - Chatbot with Rasa and OpenAI API to make a medical triage system. Tech stack: python, rasa, openai api, docker, bash
select2-adsht - Another select2 darkish theme. Tech stack: scss, css, nodejs, npm, html, js
PhotoColorNames - Heterogeneous libraries integrator for image color extraction and naming (PHP). Tech stack: PHP
Docker Oracle 21c - Docker container for Oracle Database 21c. Tech stack: docker, linux
Stop Smoking Polybar - A systemd service that tells the user when to smoke and pulls cigarettes out without the user knowing in order to reduce the daily nicotine intake until it pulls every cigarette out. Has a client that uses the named pipe created by the service and populates a file that will be read by a script ran by a Polybar module. Tech stack: c, bash, make, systemd, linux, i3wm, polybar
dfsproc - Linux system call to list processes in DFS order along with extensive tutorial about patching, building the kernel, buidling buildroot, debugging with gdb and VSCode. Tech stack: c, linux, gdb, qemu, buildroot

FOSS Contributions

Small OSS contributions to a few relevant projects

i3wm-themer - Helped with Ubuntu installation
vim-snippets - Added snippets for assembly x86 AT&T

Skills & Proficiency


Javascript & jQuery


DBMS (MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle DB)



